Wzorzec gatunkowy skargi



In the article author treats complaint as one of the most important human emotional needs verbalization, as the way of expressing the negative emotions. The aim of the article is to describe some linguistic aspects of complaint understood as a speech genre. The author recognizes complaint as a separate kind of text, composed of sequences of elements. According to the conception of textual pattern she carries out the reconstruction of complaint textual (genre) pattern. She maintains this type of text obligatory contains semantic component: ‘something wrong is happening to me, 1 feel badly about it’. This component contains the negation, which shows speaker’s emotional attitude to his life. The negation, existing in the text, describes “negative” world speaker lives in, but it suggests the better, “positive” possiblities, too. This contrast that is noticed by complaining speaker causes his feeling of discomfort. The author presents semantic definition of the complaint basic structure: [I (X) say: Ifeel badly about Y]. This basic structure can be realized in different ways, creating the structurally different texts. All the elements existing in complaint structure are facultative (exclamations, rethotical questions, oppositions, repetitions, enumerations), but every complaint obligatory contains the negation on its surface or in semantic structure of worlds. However, in spite of their different composition people can recognize the complaints by intuitive identyfication of most important complaint component: speaker’s discontent.

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Cited by

KATARZYNA DEPTA, K. D. (2021). Wzorzec gatunkowy skargi. Stylistyka, 8, 133–145. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/s/article/view/4093





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