Sto sonetów Kazimierza Tetmajera



The Sonnet in Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer’s works takes a prominent place. In Polish literature at the turn of the XX century we can observe the ususual popularity of this literary genre. The success of it is connected with the popularity of Sonety Krymskie and Odeskie by Mickiewicz and the works of Adam Asnyk, Maria Konopnicka, and in Młoda Polska: Jan Kasprowicz, A. Lange czy K. Zawistowska e.t.c.
Tetmajer composes his sonnets in different series. The rules of linking these poems into larger pieces and the meanings which result from these connections - are the objects of the research presented in this work.

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Cited by

JAKÓBCZYK, J. (2021). Sto sonetów Kazimierza Tetmajera. Stylistyka, 8, 147–169. Retrieved from





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