Stilìstične vikoristannâ frazeologìzmìvu himernomu romanì Ê.Gucala “Pozičenij čolovìk”

Tetâna Becenko


The article deals with the analysis of those structures and their varieties which build up in the narration the humorous tone of comic parody and ironic satire. Much great importance is attached to the consideration of idiomatic transformation which changes the number of components, and the content of the idiom and also of the cases of the figurative meaning changes with a definite stylistic aim.

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Cited by

Becenko, T. (2021). Stilìstične vikoristannâ frazeologìzmìvu himernomu romanì Ê.Gucala “Pozičenij čolovìk”. Stylistyka, 10, 481–495. Retrieved from


Tetâna Becenko 



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