О definicjach stylu



1n the article the author gives а critical survey of different definitions of language style, beginning from the qualification of style as а manner of speaking, which was already known in antiquity. That defmition is still in use nowadays. Individual aspects of style were considered Ьу the Romanticists, and later Ьу the German Neoidealists. Bally and Croce linked style with expression, and that definition is still valid as well. Nevertheless, contemporary stylistics originates, generally speaking, from the ideas of the Russian formalists, and the concept of function which is of primary importance in its theory, stems from the views of the members of the Prague Linguistic Circle. Тhе author pays much attention to the discussion of Polish works in stylistics, which are always linked with contemporary trends in linguistics, from Kurylowicz, Budzyk, Mayenowa, Kurkowska and Skorupka to Gajda and Wilkon. The defmitions of style one could meet after the Second World War mirrored the probems discussed in various scientific schools, either linked with structuralism in its various forms, or inspired Ьу pragmatics, axiology, information theory and statistics, or axiology, semiotics and new types of cognitivism. Тhе author considers the concept of style to bе one of the universals of language, to Ьelong always to the plane of its sign realisation and to contain in itself the thought of the way the system is realised in usage depending on the function perfoпned. In her opinion the definitions of style foпnulated up to now may Ье understood, in а sense,
to convey no contradiction, as they reflect the complex character of the phenomenon.

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Cited by

SKUBALANКA Т. (2021). О definicjach stylu. Stylistyka, 4, 7–23. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/s/article/view/4211





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