Impresjonizm w Młodej Polsce



In the paper three examples of literatury impressionism of the years 1890-1918 have been discussed: 1) impressionism in the poetry of K. Przerwa-Tetmajer (Czarodziejskie łabędzie - Fairy Swans), 2) impressionism in the novels of W. Berent (Próchno - Rotten Wood) and S. Żeromski (Ludzie bezdomni -Homeless Persons), 3) impressionism in the drama of S. Wyspiański (Wesele - Wedding). Poetica! impressionism is founded here on: the epithet (particularly the compound epithet), neologism, oxymoron, pleonasm, synesthesia, dark symbolism, leit-motiv, syllabic hannony. The impressionistic perception in the novels is based on: retardative deciphering of events, indefinite pronoun, impersonal form of verb, verba} noun, (e. g., leur sveltesse, sveltesse de tailles), leit-motiv, simultaneous action, diversity of narrative positions, representation of weak personalities of the heroes (so easily influenced by others). In the drama, the impressionism is grounded on the concurrence of music, poetry and fine arts (plasticity); · here the words speak through „the harmony and symphony of
sounds" (Z. Klemensiewicz) rather than through their intellectual content. Impressionism allows for the multi-perspective description of the world depicted in a literary work and thus it is a convention which is much closer to the truth than it has
been assumed so far. Any ideological approaches to a poetica} work reject the impressionistic method of rendering jus tice to the surround ind and visible world (J. Conrad).

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Cited by

PASZEK, J. (2021). Impresjonizm w Młodej Polsce. Stylistyka, 2, 69–86. Retrieved from





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