Лайтмотивни думи в поезията на Димчо Дебелянов



Dimclю Debelianov was one of the most tender Bulgarian poets. Не was just 29 years old when Ье was killed in the First World W ar and Ьis peotry is full of dreams for beauty, sun beams and spring tlowers, masterfully opposed to the dark side of life - parting with
Ьis lovely mother and lюme. Romance and reality merge to create new poetical reality, touching anyone's Ьeart. Leading words in this poetry are а subject of particular interest, constructing its basis. These words are strongly coherent throughout his 130 poems ad their analysis could lead to some interesting general conclusions: D.Debelianov prefers antonyms, namely, night- day, dark- light, death- life, but, also, his poetry is domi11ated Ьу words typical for the romanticism a11d symbolism from the early :ХХ century:dream, reverie, weary,
Ьеат, etc. Briefly, the character of the leading words shows that grief a11d despair are only temporary feelings, whereas the happiness from Iife, flowers, sun and moon, dreams and reverie dominate in the poetry of D.Debelianov.

Блок А., 1930; Записные KнижKи АлеKсандра Блоkа, Ленинград.

Власов М., 1971, Из наблюдешй над сти;шем Н.А.Неkрасова, ,,Русский язык в школе", Nо 6.

Дебелянов Д., 1970, Съчинения в два тома, София, т.1.

Дюбуа Ж, Ф.Эделин, Ж-М.Клинкенберг, Ф.Мэнге, Ф.Пир, А.Трианон, 1986, Общая ритори,са Москва.

Петров З., 1970, Безволевият владетел на спомените Дебелянов 1970.

Попов К., 1970, Идейно-художествената роля на леkсиkалния повтор в поезията на Христо Ботев. Христо Ботев. Нови изследования, София.


Cited by

ПОПОВ, К. Г. (2021). Лайтмотивни думи в поезията на Димчо Дебелянов. Stylistyka, 2, 219–229. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/s/article/view/4455





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