Kierunki językoznawczych badań mediów w Europie. Polska i jej sąsiedzi
The nature of this article is theoretical and methodological. The subject of the research presented in this article is the achievements of national linguists from Belarus, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Russia, and Slovakia in the field of media research conducted over the last ten years. Considerations include the research subjects of media linguistics, methodologies, and
specific methods used by researchers. The author carries out a synthesis which shows that the methodologies shaped by contemporary media linguistics include pragmalinguistics, linguistic stylistics, text linguistics, linguistic genology, and cultural linguistics. The synthesis also shows that the researchers use mainly modelling methods, related to the observation of linguistic, media and discursive worldview. The author emphasises the effectiveness of the first two methods in relation to traditional and electronic mass media, while the application of the category of discursive worldview brings, in her opinion, satisfactory cognitive effects in relation to the object of research defined as new media. The article also notes that in all of the Slavic studies presented, the influence of the media broadcaster on mass audiences is of interest. Media linguists assume that this influence exists and they develop means of achieving it. Styles of reception and the effects of media reception, on the other hand, are still not attracting the expected research interest.
media linguistics, multimodality, multimedia stylistics, discursive worldviewReferences
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