Rozmowa pisana. Parametry formalne i pragmatyczne wypowiedzi na forach dyskusyjnych w Internecie
The aim of the article is to describe formal exponents of discourse on the Internet forum, which is an interactive discourse created in writing, and to define the specificity of this form of communication from a pragmatic perspective. The analysis of the examples taken from Polish discussion fora focuses on three main issues, i.e., the stylistic form of speech (i.e., the method of translating the oral style into a written form), the organisation of the discussion structure (the system of replies, the mode, the order of speaking), as well as the availability of relevant contextual data and contact with the interlocutor. As shown by the analysis, the above-mentioned parameters of a network discussion show significant differences as compared with those related to direct conversation, and this discrepancy generates equally important pragmatic consequences. This leads to the conclusion that the exchange of opinions on an online forum is not only a transfer of a typical face-to-face interaction into a virtual communication space, but also is a separate form of a polylogue combining the features of an oral conversation and a written style in terms of the possibilities offered by both modes and related restrictions.
discussion, Internet forum, formal and pragmatics parameters, spoken style, written styleReferences
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