Oľga Orgoňová a jej úloha v paradigmatike slovenskej štylistiky


The paper focuses on the research contribution of Oľga Orgoňová in the field of Slovak stylistics. Her work spans three decades of the ‘post-Mistrik’ era and contributes significantly to the turnaround in theoretical thinking about style. Professor Orgoňová’s work reflects the methodological transformation from stylistics as a doctrine of linguistic models and ways of shaping a text (functional stylistics), through the view of style in the context of socially conditioned verbal action (interactional style), to the most recent concept of inclusive stylistics.
In this paper, we outline a model of Slovak stylistic development through the identification of stylistic paradigms reflected (affirmatively or contradictorily) in the work of this linguist. We associate the basic concepts from her scholarly work with the terminology known from other conceptions of the West Slavic stylistics and implicate a further perspective for developing theoretical thinking about style, especially in the direction of communication styles and inclusive stylistics, which fits into the model of pragmatic stylistics as socially ‘useful’ stylistics. The communication styles themselves, corresponding to the empirical grasp, are explained in relation to and in continuity with the tradition of functional language styles.


stylistics, interactional, interactional stylistics, inclusive stylistics, pragmatisation in stylistics, participatory science

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Cited by

BOHUNICKÁ, A. (2024). Oľga Orgoňová a jej úloha v paradigmatike slovenskej štylistiky. Stylistyka, 32(32), 49–58. https://doi.org/10.25167/Stylistyka32.2023.4





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