Kształt stylistyczny sylwetki prasowej (na materiale prasy dziewiętnastowiecznej)


The purpose of the article is to characterise the stylistic aspect of the 19th century press profile. The analyses are made within the framework of genre-oriented linguistic stylistics. The stylistic aspect is formed by structurally determined and pragmatically/
cognitively specified features. Those features are related to the genesis of the used means. The analyses are helpful in completing the genre pattern of the profile – a genre that was gaining its distinctiveness in the 19th century.
The material basis consists of about 100 profiles excerpted from the press of the 2nd half of the 19th century represented by “Gazeta Polska” [Polish Newspaper] and the weekly “Wędrowiec” [The Wanderer]. The analyses proved that the two main purposes served by the profiles, namely informational and evaluative, were reflected in the stylistic layer of the analysed texts. First, in the precise factual documentation enriched by official elements. Second, in the expressive and suggestive character resulting from the value-oriented and emotional way of presenting the persons and their achievements. This subjectification of the message is carried out through axiological lexis and linguistic and stylistic means typical of literary texts.


stylistic determinants, profile, obituary article, genre analysis, 19th century press

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Cited by

PIETRZAK, M. (2024). Kształt stylistyczny sylwetki prasowej (na materiale prasy dziewiętnastowiecznej). Stylistyka, 32(32), 245–267. https://doi.org/10.25167/Stylistyka32.2023.14





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