Austrian Silesia and Prussian Silesia in the press of Galicia from 1916 to 1922


The article deals with the historical and cultural circumstances of the range and meaning of geographical name Śląsk (Silesia) and its derivatives (Upper Silesia, Cieszyn Silesia, Opole Silesia) using the example of Polish newspapers edited in Cracow and Lviv (former Galicia). The analysis shows that the choronym Śląsk was relatively narrow in its scope in Galician journals. Until the end of the First World War the name had mainly referred to the crown land of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The ways of naming parts of Silesia have been changing from 1920 to 1922, when finally part of Cieszyn Silesia (former Austrian Silesia) and then part of Upper Silesia (former Prussian Silesia) were annexed to the Polish state. According to Wojciech Chlebda’s conception of “mental map”, toponyms used in texts not only identify places, but also constitute components of the cultural code of a community at particular time.


proper names, toponymy, mental map, Austria-Hungary, Upper Silesia

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Cited by

Sagan-Bielawa, M. (2024). Austrian Silesia and Prussian Silesia in the press of Galicia from 1916 to 1922. Stylistyka, 33, 5–21.


Mirosława Sagan-Bielawa



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