Nazwy odantroponimiczne jako ekspresywne znaki pamięci wiejskiej wspólnoty językowo-kulturowej


This article discusses examples of unofficial (nicknames) and official anthroponyms
(first names, surnames) of inhabitants of selected villages in southern Poland, used in
everyday contacts by members of the local linguistic and cultural micro-community
in a manner that is unusual as far as references by proper names are concerned.
The source material was obtained during field research and includes short spoken
texts illustrating how the discussed vocabulary functions in communication. These
types of names have a very limited scope of use, being applied in relatively small
areas – in neighborhoods or family environments. Attention was paid to the intention of using this type of vocabulary, the perlocutionary effect resulting from its use
and its important, complex function. The use of such transferred names is a way of
transposing the content of intergenerational community memory, has an integrating
and community-forming function, and informs about the value system of a given
linguistic and cultural community. The message within which those words appear
clearly becomes more expressive.


deonymization, appellativeization, expressive function of language, expressivism, Lesser Poland dialect

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Cited by

PIECHNIK, A. (2024). Nazwy odantroponimiczne jako ekspresywne znaki pamięci wiejskiej wspólnoty językowo-kulturowej. Stylistyka, 33, 55–66. Retrieved from



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