Analiza porównawcza tytułów podręczników do nauki języka hiszpańskiego i języka polskiego jako obcego
The title of a textbook for learning a foreign language is a seemingly small and uninteresting element of the text, which, in a situation of real contact with the book, becomes a bridge between the learner and the text of the textbook (Uździcka 2007).
Additionally, it serves many functions – from informational, through emotive to phatic.
The titles also include conceptual metaphors (Lakoff, Johnson 1980), understood as carriers of meaning, as well as tools of thinking and action that show a view of the learning process. The analysis of the titles is comparative, i.e. 50 titles of textbooks
for Spanish as a foreign language and the same number for Polish as a foreign language were examined. The conclusions therefore take into account cultural aspects, which is an attempt to find the causes of differences and similarities between them.
The study therefore falls within the scope of interest in cultural onomastics, showing how a selected fragment of reality is perceived in terms of a fixed “mental pattern” (Lech-Kirstein 2015). The presented analysis covers the formal and functional characteristics of the title structure, in which the examined units were grouped according to the criteria of formal analysis and semantic types
didactic style, ideonyms, cultural onomastics, glottodidactics, conceptual metaphorsReferences
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