Nowe media jako narzędzie usprawniające życie niepełnosprawnych
Agata Fiszer
The theme of this work is the participation of disabled people in the use of new media. The thesis work assumes that the use of new media help to increase the independence of people with disabilities. New media, in particular, access to the Internet gives them the opportunity to acquire new contacts and learning. People with disabilities communicate in a different way than people without dysfunction. They use sign language, in Braille or using special devices. Therefore, to be able to take full advantage of the Internet, people with disabilities often need help. After first learning the use of the Web, to prevent risk, and secondly, access to new media. Websites are not suitable for, among others, blind, deaf or epileptics. The work explores the possibilities offered by the Internet to people with disabilities, and analyzes web pages for WCAG requirements. Its aim is to demonstrate the possibilities of new media in improving the living conditions of people with disabilities.
disabled people, new media, assistive technologies, self-realization, digital divideReferences
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