Komizm, ideologia i polityka w serialu Towarzysz Detektyw
The aim of the article was to attempt to unravel the controversy of interpretation around the most original television productions of recent years, which was the Comrade Detective. This production can be described as a pastiche of American buddy police films. His story relates to the realities of socialist Romania in the eighties of the last century and in a mocking way tells about the fight of local militiamen with the American threat. We tried to prove that the show does not so much mock the realities of that socialist system, because is largely a satire on american propaganda cinema of cold war time. Although the humor contained in it seems crude and absurd, it still has a dialectic nature, in which mockery strikes both the capitalist and socialist system. In addition, we are trying to unravel the controversy associated with the political sayings of the series. In our opinion, its ambiguity results from the application of an artistic strategy very similar to the postmodernist artistic strategy referred to as retro-avant-guard.
Comrade Detective, television, comedy, comical, ideology, Slavoj Żiżek, communism, postmodernism.References
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