Biographical problem or normalization? Narratives on intergenerational upward mobility
Justyna Kajta
Uniwersytet SWPS (Warszawa)Abstract
Aligned with the cultural turn in social class analysis, this article explores the biographi- cal experiences associated with intergenerational upward mobility. Based on the analysis of 30 biographical-narrative interviews with individuals who transitioned from working- class backgrounds to positions as academics, artists, or business managers, the study aims to address how those who underwent objective class mobility subjectively perceive the process. The article presents and discusses two distinct types of narratives on mobility: problematizing narratives (wherein mobility becomes the central focus of in-depth biographical exploration), and normalizing narratives (where mobility does not constitute a prominent thread in the narrative). The presentation of selected biographical cases fa- cilitates the identification of elements that can influence the extent to which class mobility is manifested in the narratives.
upward mobility, biographical identity, biographical work, social classesReferences
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