Spatial variation of population growth in Krakow Metropolitan Area in the years 1988–2011


Since the beginning of the 1990s, suburban areas of large cities in Poland (regardless their extension) have a specific demographic changes which distinguish them from urban and rural areas within the administrative boundaries. The decline of the volume of migration from rural areas to cities and change of their direction from urban into rural areas, especially from urban to suburban areas have caused significant changes in the age structure and vital statistics and, hence, population dynamics within communities surrounding major urban centers. The aim of research is to entail changes in the concentration of the population in the Krakow Metropolitan Areas. We analyzed the changes in the relationships between the main components of the population growth (natural increase and net migration) to determine the level of demographic surbanization processes in the zones of Krakow Metropolitan Areas. The analysis was conducted in communes in four time sections: 1988, 1995, 2002 and 2011. The study was funded by the National Science Center, awarded by decision number DEC-2012/05/B/HS4/04200 for the project „Transformation of selected social-demographic structures in Krakow Metropolitan Area”.


metropolitan area, suburbanization, Krakow, Webb typology, population dynamics

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Cited by

Kurek, S., & Gałka, J. (2020). Spatial variation of population growth in Krakow Metropolitan Area in the years 1988–2011. Studia Miejskie, 12, 61–77.



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