Economical product of the city

Dariusz Zawada


The contents of this article deals with a specifi c economical product of the city, which arises on the basis such as: economical usable values of the city, economical base of the city, functioning in their areas, small and middle-sized businesses as well as investors, and also existing and being created workplaces. Abovementioned components infkuence the value of economical product of the the city and Superproduct of the city, C-Product as well as the level of the city competitiveness. The article also contains the problems relating to economic base, economical usable values of the city as well as seeking investors. There were also explained nations of an economic base, institutional unemployment, economical usable values of the city and economy based on kwowledge and cooperation were also approached.


small and middle-sized businesses, economical usable values, economical product of the city, institutional unemployment, cooperation


Cited by

Zawada, D. (2020). Economical product of the city. Studia Miejskie, 9, 107–116. Retrieved from


Dariusz Zawada 



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