The Case of John Wycliffe in the Decisions of the Council of Constance

Wojciech Medwid


The article concerns the case of English theologian and reformer John Wycliffe Church at the Council of Constance. They were sacred to him two conciliar sessions. The Council issued a condemnation of his teaching, books and theses and presented his thesis selected and declared him a heretic. The primary authority for him it was the Scriptures, not the Magisterium of the Church. He was of the view that poverty, humility and patience in suffering disappeared in the Church. As soon as the clerics wrong fulfill their functions right thing would be to deprive them of the property by the civil authorities and to give to the man who will be in a manner acceptable to serve God. The Oxford theologian claimed that the head of the Church is Christ, not the pope. The church consists of the selected people of God, without the need for a priest to mediate between him and God. The most significant of John Wycliffe was making inspiring translations of the Bible into English. As for the topics that emerges in the presented thesis, it may be mentioned areas such as: the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, the Pope and the authority of the Pope, the approach to temporal goods, the monks, the question of excommunication, sin, Church, prayer and indulgences. Book Wycliffe decision of the Council must be burned, and which would remain – do not read them. The target point efforts was to declare the Council Fathers him a heretic.


John Wycliffe, Council of Constance, sacraments, Pope, Church, temporal goods

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Cited by

Medwid, W. (2015). The Case of John Wycliffe in the Decisions of the Council of Constance. Studia Oecumenica, 15, 181–201.


Wojciech Medwid 



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