The Church Face to the World in the Light of the Statement The Church: Towards a Common Vision

Piotr Jaskóła


In the light of the statement The Church: Towards a Common Vision the article concentrates on the specific question of the relation of the Church to the world. The key statements of the document are depicted showing the Church as sign and servant of God’s design for the world (pts. 25–26) and the Church in God’s plan for creation (pts. 58–59). In the first part is explained the biblical notion of “the world”. The second point approaches the historical aspect of the relation “Church – the world”. The third part of the article tries to convince that the contemporary Christian thought perceives the relation of the Church to the world through the category of universal reconciliation in Christ and in the Holy Spirit.


Church, world, relation, Christ, Holy Spirit


Cited by

Jaskóła, P. (2014). The Church Face to the World in the Light of the Statement The Church: Towards a Common Vision. Studia Oecumenica, 14, 17–28.


Piotr Jaskóła 



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