Ethnic Religious Minorities in the Europe of Nations (I)
José Manuel Fernández Rodríguez
a:1:{s:5:"pl_PL";s:56:"Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de educación y deporte";}Abstract
This paper will deal with the various ethnic and religious minorities that exist mainly in Central and Eastern Europe. To begin with, we will seek to define the notions of ethnicity and minority. This will be followed by a brief historical presentation of the religious minority groups rooted in European countries. We will then address the question of the right to exist of these minorities and the protection provided by European and international law, taking into account the implications of new migratory flows caused by certain transitory or circumstantial factors, such as economic crises or armed conflicts, which give rise to a multi-religious, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural mix where various religious groups have to coexist, and which the Member States are obliged to protect and shelter. We will conclude with a series of hints on the problems and challenges presented by a multiculturalism that is not fully integrated into European values and way of life and its repercussions on the future model of European coexistence, in which the very existence of the European Union is perhaps at stake.
Minorías, etnias, religiones, derechos, deberes, problemas, retos, coexistencia.References
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