Funeral of unbaptized children in the liturgical practice of the Orthodox Church

Marek Ławreszuk

Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Katedra Teologii Prawosławnej


The article addresses the issue of liturgical practice related to the death of unbaptized children. In the historical liturgical tradition of the Orthodox Church, the funeral rite of unbaptized children did not function. This article analyzes changes in the liturgical practice of local churches in Greece and Russia regarding prayer for unbaptized children. The liturgical and pastoral considerations are complemented by the funeral rite of an unbaptized child, prepared on the basis of current Greek and Russian texts.


Orthodoxy, Orthodox Church, funeral, unbaptized children

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Cited by

Ławreszuk, M. (2019). Funeral of unbaptized children in the liturgical practice of the Orthodox Church. Studia Oecumenica, 19, 193–211.


Marek Ławreszuk



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