From the Chronicles of the Franciscan Monastery in Góra in Silesia
Dariusz Karczewski
Faculty of History of the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz
In 1457, Pope Callixtus III gave, at the request of prince Władysław of Cieszyn and Głogów, his consent to found a monastery and a church of Corpus Christi, outside the city walls of Góra. The papal bulla stated that the funds shall be allotted to Franciscan-Observants (Bernardines). Ultimately, the new convent was settled by Franciscan-Minorites. It was the last foundation of a Franciscan monastery within medieval Poland.
In terms of order organisation, the monastery in Góra was subject to the Gniezno custody of the Polish-Czech Franciscan province. The prince issued the foundation document for the monastery in 1458. In 1462, Pope Pius II approved the foundation of a new monastery and its endowment, referring to the previous consent given by the bishop Piotr II Nowak of Wrocław (1447–1456), Góra city authorities and the local parson. The convent in Góra was most likely staffed by friars from Głogów, given the proximity of the two cities and
subjection to one ruler. This work is said to have been inspired by the Corpus Christi fraternity in Góra. The monastery was built on the outskirts, near the way to Kajęcin village. Its endowment was very modest. Initially, it included only the land to construct the buildings, a fish pond and a small area of farmland. It was slightly enlarged in 1468 by the brother of the founder and his successor, Prince Przemko II of Cieszyn and Głogów. In the early 16th century, the monastery fell into decline and started selling off its estate. Due to the
Reformation, around 1534 the monastery was completely abandoned by friars and the bishop Jakub von Salza of Wrocław gave the estate to the parson of the parish of Saint Catherine of Alexandria in Góra.
Franciscans, Czech-Polish custody, Silesia, GóraReferences
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