Concept of Protection of the Work of Creation and its Theological and Pedagogical Contexts in the Light of Mariavite Periodicals at the Beginning of the 20th Century.
Tomasz Dariusz Mames
Église Catholique et Apostolique de Paris (ECAP), Francja / Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk w Przemyślu (Polska)
Nature, plant cultivation, animal husbandry, as well as concern for human hygiene and physical and material well-being, along with pastoral work, were the center of interest of Mariavites from the very beginning of their religious independence. In the periodicals published in the Mariavite printing house in Łódź from 1907–1914 (p.g. „Maryawita. Czciciel Przenajświętszego Sakramentu”, „Wiadomości Maryawickie”, book calendar), we find specific advice about working on a farm, property protection and health not only of humans, but also of animals and plants. The Mariavites did not stop at the praxeological dimension of agrarian education, pointing to the philosophical and theological foundations of the protection of creation. In this sense, they combined practice with theory based on theological premises, creating their own vision of what we now call ecotheology and ecopedagogy. Pro-ecological reflection and practice were an integral element of the educational ideology of the Mariavite Church, which grew out of positivist ideas. It belongs to the narrative which shows the primacy of the commandment to love God and neighbor. We can see its topicality through its close relationship with critical thinking and the eco-pedagogy which refers to it, as well as the broadly understood ecological turn in theology and social and economic life.
religious education, theology, Mariavites, agronomic education, ecology, agriculture, religious magazinesReferences
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