A Copperplate Tombstone of Euphemia Raciborska
A Contribution to the Study of Her Iconography
Recently, in the Archives of the Polish Province of the Dominican Friars in Krakow, a photograph was found of a copperplate engraving of the tombstone of Princess Eufemia (Ofka), prioress of the Dominican Sisters’ convent in Racibórz, who died and who held a reputation for holiness on 17 January 1359. This tombstone has been in the chapel of St. Dominic in the Sisters’ church in Racibórz since at least the 17th century. It was restored in the Baroque style in 1738 in connection with the growing cult
of Ofka and the efforts to get it recognised, as well as the works carried out to extend the chapel and redesign its interiors. The copper engraving was made between 1738–1741 by Georg Lichtensteger based on a drawing by Johann Adam Schöpf. Eufemia’s tomb is full of symbols that refer to her virtuous life and are grounded in her biography, which was written down in 1606 by Dominican Abraham Bzowski and later copied and modified by many other authors.
Euphemia of Raciborz, Dominican Sisters, Racibórz, Georg Lichtensteger, Johann Adam SchöpfReferences
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Grzegorz Kublinhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-2692-7763
PhD of theology in the field of Church History
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