In Search of the Lost Second Tower

Legendary Foundations of the Templars in Opole Silesia

Krzysztof Sobkowicz



In 1241, the Mongols, while moving their forces towards Legnica, plundered the estates of the Templars, which were located near their march route. Ponces de Aubon in his letter to King Louis IX wrote: Et si ont destruit deus des meillours tours et trois viles que nous avionz en Poulaine. The “two towers” mentioned in the letter that were destroyed, are undoubtedly defensive structures in the Templar headquarters in Silesia, because the master of the French Templars reported in his letter about the destruction and plundering of the land that belonged to the Polish prince Henry the Pious. This publication is an attempt to collect information about the hypothetical presence of this order in the lands of Opole Silesia and beyond, as well as considerations on finding the possible location of the second destroyed tower about which Ponces de Aubon, the master of the French Templars, wrote to the King of France, Louis IX.


two towers, legendary foundations, Templars in Opole Silesia, Battle of Legnica (1241), Templars commandery

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Cited by

Sobkowicz, K. (2023). In Search of the Lost Second Tower: Legendary Foundations of the Templars in Opole Silesia. Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 43(2), 139–160.


Krzysztof Sobkowicz

PhD of Humanities in the field of history, graduate of the Faculty of History and Pedagogy of the University of Opole, Poland.



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