Teksty liturgiczne w wielogłosowych mszach żałobnych ze zbioru rękopisów Biblioteki Ojców Paulinów na Jasnej Górze w Częstochowie

Dariusz Smolarek


European musical tradition transmits a considerable number of polyphonic missa pro Defunctis arrangements in the preserved collection (e.g. Benedictines in Kremsmünster, Einsiedeln, Lambach, Cistercians in Stams, Heiligenkreuz, Capuchins in Prague, Ursulines in Bratislava). Repertoire of music bands operating at churches in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (17th and 18th centuries, during the partitions in the 19th century) also included polyphonic compositions to the text of the funeral mass. Requiems were performed by bands at monastic churches (Cistercians, Dominicans, Piarists, Jesuits) and diocesan churches. Those included works by Polish and foreign composers.

The activity of the Jasna Góra musical band in Częstochowa also fits in this tradition, the repertoire of which includes over 40 requial compositions from the second half of the 18th century and 19th century. These are works of musicians working with the Pauline ensemble (L. Maader, F. Gotschalk) and other Polish composers (M. Zwierzchowski, J. Engel. J. Elsner) and foreign (W.A. Mozart, E. Pausch, J. Gotsche, J.M. Dreyer).

Aim of the article is to present requiem works preserved in the collection of the Monastery Library of Pauline Fathers at Jasna Góra and their reception in other Polish and European centres. Liturgical text of the funeral mass will be presented, as well as its translation and interpolations used by the authors and indication the functioning of the composition missa pro defunctis at Jasna Góra.


Cited by

Smolarek, D. (2020). Teksty liturgiczne w wielogłosowych mszach żałobnych ze zbioru rękopisów Biblioteki Ojców Paulinów na Jasnej Górze w Częstochowie. Liturgia Sacra. Liturgia - Musica - Ars, 56(2), 231–269. https://doi.org/10.25167/ls.2566


Dariusz Smolarek 



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