Tempus gaudii - tempus tristitiae. Historical development of two dimensions of Adven
Karol Litawa
The question contained in the title of the article is a provocation to deepen the issues related to the liturgical experience of the Advent period. The historical and theological analysis of the liturgy and customs of Advent, deepened by the anthropological understanding of this period in terms of joy (gaudii) and sorrow (tristitiae), allows for an attempt to answer the question posed: is Advent a time of joy or maybe sadness? The formation of the liturgy of this period in the Latin Church, especially in the Gallic and Roman traditions, shows an extremely important culture-forming factor in the understanding of the rites and theology of Advent. The interpenetration of these two traditions will ultimately lead to their merging into one, which in consequence will be nurtured by the Church for centuries and will appear in the post-Vatican II era in liturgical celebrations and their theology.
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