Dominikus Böhm's pre-conciliar architecture and the announcement of the post-conciliar liturgical renewal. Case study - St. Józef in Zabrze.

Dominikus Böhm and the announcement of the post-conciliar liturgical renewal of the Church of St. Joseph in Zabrze

Mirosław Bogdan

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Describing the synthesis of liturgy and architecture, the article proves that the Church of St. Józefa in Zabrze has always served and continues to serve well in the area of ​​the Holy Liturgy. Its creator, Dominikus Böhm, tried to make an architectural synthesis of two images of a sacred object, the one representing the church as the House of God and the one representing the church as the house of the community of believers. The article presents the symbiosis of Böhm's pre-conciliar and post-conciliar creative intuition where respect for tradition and conservatism coexist with the spirit of 20th century modernism. When describing the original facade of the church in Zabrze and its plan, it refers to historical style inspirations and symbolic language used in the church of St. Joseph when all this serves the good of architecture and liturgy. At the same time, other sacred realizations of Dominikus Böhm and other architects active at that time are taken into account. This applies to the analysis of church interiors with a central, longitudinal liturgical arrangement and everything that brings us closer to each other in sacred architecture, the common path of history, present and future.


sacred architecture, liturgical movement, nave, presbytery, Dominikus Böhm, Vatican II

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Cited by

Bogdan, M. (2023). Dominikus Böhm’s pre-conciliar architecture and the announcement of the post-conciliar liturgical renewal. Case study - St. Józef in Zabrze.: Dominikus Böhm and the announcement of the post-conciliar liturgical renewal of the Church of St. Joseph in Zabrze. Liturgia Sacra. Liturgia - Musica - Ars, 62(2), 195–223.


Mirosław Bogdan 



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