Presence and action of the Holy Spirit in the liturgical signs of the sacrament of presbyteral ordination

Dariusz Kwiatkowski

Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


The article reveals the liturgical signs present in the sacrament of ordination in the presbyteral degree, which show the presence and action of the Holy Spirit. The epiclesis, present in the prayer of ordination, is most visibly expressed in the gesture of the bishop's imposition of hands on the head of the ordained presbyter. In addition, the action of the Holy Spirit should be seen in the silence that accompanies the laying on of hands. Silence is the space for the Holy Spirit's action. The bestowal of the Holy Spirit is also indicated by the rite of anointing the hands of the presbyter with the oil of the Holy Cross. The anointing signifies the presbyter's special way of participation in the priesthood of Christ. Presbyters anointed with the Holy Spirit are called to sanctify the Christian people and to offer sacrifice to God. Epicletic signs also include the kiss of peace. In the liturgy of the sacrament of ordination, it can be compared to a seal that confirms the acceptance of new associates into the community of the Church and their introduction into the ministry. Each presbyter anointed with the Holy Spirit and conformed to Christ is called to transmit to the faithful the gift of the Spirit, which is peace. Presbyters present at the ordination liturgy pass the kiss of peace to welcome the newly ordained members of the presbytery with the Spirit of love and peace.


Duch Święty, sakrament święceń, prezbiterat, włożenie rąk, milczenie, namaszczenie rąk, pocałunek pokoju

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Cited by

Kwiatkowski, D. (2024). Presence and action of the Holy Spirit in the liturgical signs of the sacrament of presbyteral ordination. Liturgia Sacra. Liturgia - Musica - Ars, 63(1), 65–79.


Dariusz Kwiatkowski 



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