The evolution of the system of administrative duties enforcement authorities

Piotr Przybysz

Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Prawa i Administracji


The paper presents changes in the way of organizing administrative duties enforcement authorities that took place after 1990. It was found that the changes were caused primarily by alterations in the public administration system. The positive side of the changes is the introduction of the principle that enforcement authorities can be established only by law. The number of bodies authorized to conduct administrative enforcement has decreased, which creates better conditions for the specialization of officials in the field of administrative enforcement. On the other hand, the negative side of the changes is their partial nature and modification of changes after a short period of their validity, and even a return to previous solutions. The legislator does not seem to have a coherent concept of the organization of the administrative enforcement apparatus.


administrative duties enforcement, enforcement authorities

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Przybysz, P. (2019). The evolution of the system of administrative duties enforcement authorities. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(1 (4), 19–28.


Piotr Przybysz 




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