Cognitive semantic analysis of Polish interjections
Monika Krzempek
The aim of the article is to conduct a semantic analysis of Polish interjections. The collected data consist of words (200 forms), which were qualified as an interjecion in the National Corpus of Polish and in the Uniwersalny s³ownik jêzyka polskiego. The article consists of four chapters. The first part provides a short introduction to the subject matter related to interjections and includes a short summary of the views and opinions concerning their semantic structure. The author briefly describes methods and the conception of the meaning, which are used in the article (cognitive semantics). The third chapter provides a semantic analysis of interjections. It consists of the description of characteristic central domains, in frames of which interjections are conteptualised (feelings, movements, sounds, scripts and will) and presents characteristic features of the domain matrixes of interjections. Finally, the author summarizes the research results.
interjection, cognitive analysis, semantics, semantic domainReferences
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