Wizualizacja w dyskursie perswazyjnym (na materiale prasy młodzieżowej)
Magdalena Skowrońska
Persuasive discourse observed in youth magazines occurs not only on the verbal level. The article shows the role that visualization plays in the context of persuasive discourse. The main tool of influence is language, however the composition of youth magazines, in
which the visual component dominates over the verbal layer, is deliberate. The composition has been adjusted to the needs and expectations of the teenage target reader, whose perceptive abilities were shaped mostly by visual mass culture. For the magazine recipient photography is the component which articulates the most, subsequently to language.
Modern magazines have a very expanded visual stratum, actually, in numerous magazines it even overshadows the text. Glossy magazines have a trait of hybridity and their characteristic feature is the possibility to read and watch simultaneously, as the message does not only restrain itself to the text, but is also transmitted through photographs. The new style of communication is thus accompanied by a shift in the text–image affiliation. Photography in the context of persuasive discourse conducted in magazines, plays as significant a role as the verbal constituent. Focusing on the persuasive influence of the visual layer of magazines, the article discusses the role of photography
treated as a supplement of the text, but also as an independent statement.
visualization, photography, persuasive discourse, youth magazinesReferences
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Magdalena SkowrońskaStatistics
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- Magdalena Skowrońska, Linguistic Strategies o f Persuasive Influence in Youth Magazines , Stylistyka: Vol. 19 (2010): Style a media