Multimodal constitution of reconciliation in memory discourses. Analysis on the example of online announcements about the 50th anniversary of the German-French Reconciliation Mass in Reims and the 25th anniversary of the Polish-German Reconciliation Mass
The aim of this article is to reflect on the multimodal constitution of German-French and Polish-German reconciliation in the context of linguistic research on collective memory. Reconciliation between nations is understood here as a strategy applied in international relations, which takes the form of political action, consistent with the values and interests of certain communities. Reconciliation always requires work on collective memory. That is why it is so important to commemorate the symbolic act of reconciliation. In this way, reconciliation also has a specific political and cultural function. A special role in this process is played by the arranged staging of the anniversary celebrations and their media re-enactment/re-staging in the form of multimodal texts that are typical of reconciliation. Selected onlineGerman-language announcements created in the context of the 50thanniversary of the German-French Reconciliation Mass in Reims and the 25th anniversary of the Polish-German Reconciliation Mass in Krzyżowa will be analysed. The key question we will try to answer is how is reconciliation profiled by means of multimodal texts and are there any differences and similarities in this process in the framework of German-French and Polish-German reconciliation?
multimodal framing, multimodal constitution, memory discourses, collective memory, Polish-German reconciliation, Krzyżowa, Reims, multimodal discourse analysis, German-French reconciliationReferences
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