Stylistic norm
Marie Krčmová
The study deals with the topic of stylistic norms which have the character of tendencies in expressing particular types of messages. They are less binding than linguistic norms, although they do exist, and the creator as well as the receptor of texts are intuitively aware of them. They are shaped analogically, like linguistic norms, in the process of the creation of texts; and they are acquired in a similar way by generalization on the basis of previously known texts linked to a communicational situation. The process of the acquisition of stylistic norms is never finished because (in contrast to linguistic norms) the sources of their identification are very diverse, and their repertoire develops throughout the whole human life. In the study the author tries to present their general characterization, and consequently to characterize these norms for the traditionally mentioned primary and secondary functional styles. Even though the paper proceeds from the Czech situation and from the understanding of style and stylistics common in Czech linguistics, these are general norms applicable to the situation in various cultural environments, at least in the European cultural area.
stylistic norm, acquisition of stylistic norms, basic characteristics of stylistic normsReferences
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