From printed newspaper to the on-line newspaper – development and changes

Urszula Żydek-Bednarczuk


The main subject of the article is to show the changes that have taken place in the media, including the newspapers. The starting point is the title of the book by B. Poulet „La Fin des Journaux et l’avenir de l’information” („The End of Newspapers and the Future of Information”, 2011). This article presents the changes that have occurred in the printed newspaper, with special attention to the description of the components of the press release. The paper also focuses on the significance of the image and its interaction with the text and the issues associated with the return of iconic and visual culture. The traditional newspaper is compared with an electronic, on-line version of the newspaper in the context of presenting the information and its geneology. Furthermore, the paper shows the transformation of the information into infotainment.


the death of newspapers, printed newspaper, on-line newspaper, visual culture, press discourse

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Cited by

Żydek-Bednarczuk, U. (2020). From printed newspaper to the on-line newspaper – development and changes. Stylistyka, 25, 309–318.


Urszula Żydek-Bednarczuk 



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