The cultural entanglement of the contemporary religious discourse (style) – an outline of the issue
Maria Wojtak
The article is devoted to the relationships between the dynamically changing and expansive pop culture (and other specific types of culture) and the religious discourse and religious style, characteristic of the Polish and Catholic communication community. The author focuses on the religious interaction, preserving patterns of linguistic behavior deeply rooted in the tradition, juxtaposing them with innovative communica- tion practices. These practices vary depending on the cultural environment in which an interaction is embedded. The most dynamic changes relate to the sphere of intimate and private culture substantiated on the Internet. The image of transformations is completed by meta- morphoses of communication that take place in the sphere of the subsystem culture (the sphere of communication activity of the Church). All the transformations are filtered through popular culture and its components as well as through the media ways of realization.
In the exemplification part of the article the author analyzes examples of the new way of the effectuation of religious interactions in the Internet space and in the areas of the evangelizing activities of the ecclesiastical institutions. She shows the results of the clash between the traditional components of the religious style and the colloquial Polish language.
culture, popular culture, discourse, style, religious styleReferences
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