The style of Latin treatises of Firmicius Maternus and Filaster of Brescia (the 4th century)
The article concerns the formation of a religious style in Christian Latin texts dating from the 4th century of our era. First of all, the style of religious treatises of two authors Firmicus Maternus and Filaster of Brescia, living in the second half of the 4th century, is discussed. The combinations in the same text of a pluralistic philosophical discourse with the unconditional promotion of Christian and Catholic doctrine are of particular interest. For instance, to tighten or soften the message, Firmicus Maternus used Latin pronouns hic, haec, hoc and iste, ista, istud. Saint Filaster of Brescia, on the other hand, began each description of heresy in the style characteristic of descriptions of the lives and views of famous philosophers as if they were suggestions to choose, emphasizing simultaneously that Catholic doctrine was the only true one.
Firmicus Maternus, Filaster of Brescia, philosophical discourse, styleReferences
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