Weather Forecast in Radio Broadcasting

Jiří Zeman


The contribution deals with the most common forms ofweather forecast in radio bro[1]adcasting. It contends that this information is not provided in the mass media in isolation, but is part of more complex fomrnlation, in which the presenter has the dominant role. The categorization ofweather forecasting into such a formulation influences the form of the resulting text. Most often, weather forecasting tak es the ťorm of a report, the main function of which is to provide information about the weather (about cloud cover, precipitation, temperatu[1]res, wind speed and direction etc.). The presenter shapes the text in such way that it should contain as much possible ofthe information the listener requires for his further be[1]havior, while being as brief as possible. Both these features are reflected both in the cre[1]ation of the text and in the choice of linguistic resources (e. g. frequent elipses). Another form of weather forecasting also mainly provides information about the we[1]ather, but its aim is also to attract the listener's attention by its originality. The presenter chooses linguistic resources typical of an artistic style (metaphorical naming), uses hu[1]mour, expresses his own relationship to the current weather (comments on it, advises the listener what to wear) etc. In recent times dialogue forms ofweather forecasting have been becoming more frequ[1]ent in the mass media - the interview between the layman (presenter) and the expert (me[1]teorological institute employee). Apart from meteorological data, the interview also con[1]tains rejoinders, by means ofwhich the presenter connects information about the weather to the context ofthe entire program, indicating other contributions, and so on. The purpo[1]se of the interview is to provide information about the weather and put the listener in a good mood (for example, word plays are used). The texts used in radio broadcasting for weather forecasting fulfill informative and appealing functions, the mutual relationship of both functions cohere and is dependent mainly on the personality of the presenter.. The more the informative function is accented, the more the presenter is put in the background and contrarily, the more appeal is emphasized, the more the presenter comes to the foreground to the detriment of the informativeness of the text.


Cited by

Zeman, J. (2002). Weather Forecast in Radio Broadcasting. Stylistyka, 11, 307–314. Retrieved from


Jiří Zeman 



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