Obrazná pojmenování metaforická a jejich funkce v psaných publicistických textech
Bohumila Junková
Die bildhaften Benenungen driicken eine andere Wirklichkeit aus als ihr lexikalischer Inhalt. Das Wesen der bildhaften Benennungen ist die Vieldeutigkeit der Worter.
Im publizistischen Stil setzen sich die bildhaften Benennungen vor allem in analytischen Gerires durch, wo der Autor seinen subjektiven Standpunkt zur Information ausdriickt, d.h. z.B. in Leitartikeln, Kommentaten u.ñ. Die Aufgabe der bildhaften Benennungen ist es, den publizistischen Text zu beleben und die Aufmerksamkeit des Lesers zu aktivieren.
Das Bestreben, das Stereotyp des Textes aufzuheben, fiihrt in publizistischen Kommu- nikaten zum hñufigen Gebrauch von Metaphem. Metaphorische Benennungen geh0ren in den letzten 10 Jahren zu einem der meistverwendeten Mittel der Sprachaktualisierung. Dadurch erhalt der Leser indirekt Kenntnis your positiven oder negativen Herangehen des Autors an den Inhalt der Mitteilung.
Bohumila JunkováStatistics
1. Copyrights to published works are held by the University of Opole (to the collective work) and the Authors (to individual parts of the collective work that have an independent meaning).
2. Only previously undistributed works can be published in the scientific journal "Stylistics".
3. The University of Opole does not restrict the possibility of the author's further dissemination of his work on condition that the scientific journal "Stylistics" is indicated as the original place of publication and the consent of the University Publishing House.
4. Consent to the publication of the work in the scientific journal "Stylistics" is tantamount to granting the author a non-exclusive license to the University of Opole, including the right to use the work without territorial restrictions and time limits in the following fields of exploitation:
a) within the scope of recording and multiplication of the work - production of any number of copies of the work in whole or in part using a specified technique, including printing, reprography, magnetic recording and digital technique, introduction of the work into computer memory and computer networks,
b) within the scope of circulation of the original or copies on which the work has been recorded - circulation, lending or hiring of the original or copies,
c) within the scope of dissemination of the work in a manner other than specified in item 2 - making the work or its abstract available on the Internet by enabling the recipients to access the work on-line or enabling them to download the work to their own device that makes it possible to read it, placing the work in electronic databases that disseminate scientific works, including in particular the CEEOL database (Central and Eastern Online Libray) and the abstract in English in the CEJSH database (The Central Europaen Journal of Social Scienes and Humanites).
d) within the scope of creating and distributing dependent works created using the work - using them in the fields of exploitation specified in points 1-3.
5. The author is not entitled to compensation for granting the license to the work.
6. The author agrees that the University may grant further permission to use the work (sublicense) in the fields of exploitation specified in par. 2 paragraph 4.
7. The author agrees that, in connection with the distribution of the work, his or her personal information, that is, name, affiliation, and e-mail address, may be made public.
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