Konvekcii kak osnova ispolneniâ socialʹnyh i kommunikativnyh rolej v delovom dialogičeskom obŝenii

Mariâ V. Koltunova


Conventional behavior in business communication characterizes complex obligatory control speech norms, pragmatic restrictions and prohibitions, complicated and strengthened
by social behavior rules and norms. Regulation information density and portioning information, cognitive process control, on the one side, and coordination mode of attitudes
and emotions coordination, on the second, organize the interaction processes in business dialogs. They structured and organized communication according the purposes of
participants. Official interaction zone claim more strong control to observe conventional rules and norms then nonofficial and half-officia! ones. They structured and organized communication and uses as a basis of producing communicative and social roles in business communication. It does realize by illocutionary stereotype schemes of genre situational script.


conventions, social and communication roles, expectations, scheme of illocutionary force

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Cited by

Koltunova, M. V. (2021). Konvekcii kak osnova ispolneniâ socialʹnyh i kommunikativnyh rolej v delovom dialogičeskom obŝenii. Stylistyka, 14, 419–429. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/s/article/view/4018


Mariâ V. Koltunova 



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