Frazeologia jako środek stylistyczny w XVII-wiecznej Postylli chrześcijańskiej Samuela Dambrowskiego


The article deals with the phraseology in the Christian Postil (Postylla chrześcijańska) of Samuel Dambrowski, the 17th-century Protestant preacher. This work, which is a collection of sermons, was published in the years 1620–1621 in Torun and belongs
to the genre of postils for the people. The aim of the article is to show the role of phraseology in Dambrowski’s publication and thus in the genre structure of the popular postils. The analysis of the material shows that the preacher used phraseology in a moderate manner, using phraseological compounds functioning in the general and colloquial Polish of that time. The units used by him are characterised by an ordinary and typical pattern of forms. Although the phraseology in Dambrowski’s work meets with the genre pattern of postils for the people, it is not, however, the dominant means for creating the style of his sermons.


stylistics, phraseology, preaching, popular postil, Samuel Dambrowski

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Cited by

PRZYMUSZAŁA, L. (2024). Frazeologia jako środek stylistyczny w XVII-wiecznej Postylli chrześcijańskiej Samuela Dambrowskiego. Stylistyka, 32(32), 357–374.





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