„A później będzie płacz…”

Tytuły wiadomości w e-mail marketingu jako przykłady tekstów perswazyjnych


This article examines the characteristics of subject lines in email marketing messages, focusing on subscription-based communications from marketing professionals. These messages, which promote participation in webinars and purchase of products such as training materials and e-books, are targeted at entrepreneurs and constitute an integral component of marketing communication. Recognized as inherently persuasive, these emails frequently employ eye-catching headlines in bold type, embellished with emojis, to capture attention. The study analyses how varied sentence structures – including interrogative, imperative, and declarative forms – influence recipients’ emotions. Additionally, the use of colloquial language and, most probably, intentional linguistic mistakes is explored as a strategy to build rapport with potential clients. The ultimate objective of these messages is to maximize customer acquisition and drive sales of the advertised products.


subject, email marketing, marketing communication, persuasion in email, subject lines, colloquial style

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Cited by

Domaciuk-Czarny, I. (2024). „A później będzie płacz…” : Tytuły wiadomości w e-mail marketingu jako przykłady tekstów perswazyjnych. Stylistyka, 33, 175–192. https://doi.org/10.25167/Stylistyka33.2024.11


Izabela Domaciuk-Czarny 



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