Lidia Mierzejewska

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Jerzy Parysek

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


: In the literature and in urban development strategies, different visions of cities are formulated
in which there is a friendly living environment for residents. This article presents the results of research presenting ideas about the city in which one would like to live (an orderly city) and about the inhabitants (orderly
inhabitants), whom one would like to have as members of the local community. Synthesizing the conducted
research, there are indicated 10 features of a good city and 10 ones with reference to good residents, which
gained the greatest recognition in the conducted research. At the same time, the results of research concerning the indication of Polish and world cities, in which the indicated characteristics of cities could be met, are
given. They were generally the largest cities in Poland and the world. In the end, the mutual conditions of
a salubrious city and respectable residents were pointed to, concluding that there are no good cities without
good residents, and vice versa


city, orderly city, city dwellers, orderly inhabitants, city for people;

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