In search of new models of urban development
In order to develop dynamically, cities must build their competitiveness on a regional, national, international or global arena. This requires the development of mainly exogenous functions, exercised for the benefit of consumers living outside the cities. However, cities must also face intra-regional competition, which is the precondition for endogenous development. This means that they must be attractive to current residents and businesses as well as to potential investors. One way of meeting these standards is, as it seems, city development which offers a high quality of life. This article aims to present a model city XXQ, i.e. one which offers its residents the highest quality of life. A further aim of the article is to apply this model to the concept of sustainable development, the implementation of which is a statutory duty of all territorial units in Poland, and therefore the cities’ as well. This is to indicate that the implementation of such a development model is a way of enhancing the attractiveness and competitiveness of cities on both an intra-regional as well as a wider arena, and it will also contribute to more stable development.
the attractiveness of cities, the competitiveness of cities, the development of a model town, city XXQReferences
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