Selected Aspects of Hotel’s Location


On today’s market of tourist services one of the main elements for the success or failure of a hotel is its location. This is of particular importance in urban areas where competition is very high, and hotels are often similar in terms of standard and quality of services, so convenient location may be a key factor in the selection of the object. This article presents the most important aspects of the location of accommodation facilities. The problem is considered in two dimensions – general – the choice of the country and the region, and – local – the choice of a particular place. Basing on the analysis of the literature, significant trends relating to the location of hotels were indicated, with special emphasis on the great centers of Polish sightseeing. Conducted theoretical research confirmed the need for further studies, including some case studies of the specific examples of cities, because accommodation establishments are changing fairly rapidly and new areas of concentration of hotel services are appearing.


accommodation establishments, hotels, location, spatial distribution

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Cited by

Gruszka, I., Ilnicki, D., & Jakubowicz, E. (2020). Selected Aspects of Hotel’s Location. Studia Miejskie, 16, 102–114.


Izabela Gruszka


Dariusz Ilnicki


Edyta Jakubowicz 



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