Ecumenical animal studies

Stanisław Jan Rabiej

Uniwersytet Opoleski


The presented text is located at the intersection of theology and philosophy with a particular focus on the study of human-animal relations in scientific terms (human animal studies). The author refers to a new research sub-discipline that deals with the place of animals in the Christian history of salvation. The premise of the research is to organize the conceptual apparatus and critically reflect on the validity of the use of the terms ecotheology/animal theology and justify their ecumenical meaning.

In his research, the author takes a polycentric view of the world (bio – zoo – anthropo –) recognizing that all living beings have intrinsic value and are valuable in themselves, while man is one of many equal elements of the created world.

The purpose of the analyses is to determine the place of animals in Christian ecumenical theology. A comparative methodology was applied in capturing the ecotheological reflection of basic Christian denominations (Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism). An objective and reliable reflection on the attitude of these faiths to the world of animals was assumed, especially in view of the constantly recurring thought antagonizing these faiths. The subject matter of the study is part of the considerations in the field of ecotheology, which are carried out mainly by Western scholars in relation to Catholic and Protestant theology, less frequently in the East.


ecotheology, animal theology, ecumenism, human animal studies

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Rabiej, S. J. (2023). Ecumenical animal studies. Studia Oecumenica, 23, 33–51.


Stanisław Jan Rabiej

Specializing in theological anthropology, ecumenism and sociology of religion. Author of over 160 publications. Head of the Chair on Integration Research and Jean Monnet Chair: Ecumenical ways of reconciliation in Europe (154615 - LLP - 1 - 2009) WTUO, professor visiting the Faculty of Artes Liberale of the University of Warsaw, published, among others: Chemins de réconciliation en Europe I-III, Colloque international, Colloquia Theologica 11/12/13, Opole 2010-2015; Realizing the freedom of religious beliefs and rights derived from it, Ecumenism and Integration 25, Opole 2016, pp. 464, Judaica of Opole, Opole 2016; Popular religion as an expression of religiosity in Silesia, Opole 2016; Criticism of the "culture of exclusion" in the teaching of Pope Francis, in: M. Humeniuk (ed.), Between the Exclusion and Inclusion in religious education, Wrocław 2017, pp. 64-76; Kaszrut - shaping ethical sensitivity, in: B. Bokus (ed.), Processed Culture, Warsaw 2017, pp. 43-56. Judaica of Opole (2018).



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