Around apokatastasis of Miłosz. Theology of sense and of hope
Jerzy Szymik
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Wydział Teologiczny
The dispute over the ‘hope of salvation for all’ was (is?) one of the most intriguing debates in the theology at the turn of the 20th and 21th centuries. Popularly, though slightly simplified, it is perceived as the dispute over apokatastasis (Greek: revival). In his literary work, Czesław Miłosz uses the notion of apokatastsis, however, clearly not as much as the ‘hope for an empty hell’, but rather hope for an ultimate accomplishment of omni-reality. For him, it is nothing else but a biblical code of sense – ‘no loss of details’ (as he writes) in God, and salvation of man and world alike.
theology, literature, apokatastasis, hope, salvation, sense, ultimate accomplishmentReferences
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