Lex orandi – lex credendi in the Roman Liturgy: Using the Example of the 1965 Renewal of the Good Friday Universal Prayer

Dawid Makowski

Catholic Academy in Warsaw - Collegium Bobolanum


The presented article presents the meaning of the maxim lex orandi – lex credendi using the example of the renewal of the Good Friday Universal Prayer in 1965. It is about the relationship that exists between the object of faith and its expression, between theology and liturgy. This relationship is particularly noticeable in the renewal of the nine invocations of the Universal Prayer of the Good Friday Liturgy, which was closely linked to the rulings of the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965). Therefore, this relationship is discussed in this example, considering the history of the formation of these prayers, to which the first part of the work is devoted. The second section mentions the Council’s teaching on ecumenism and ecclesiology, and the third section presents the implementation of the enacted doctrine.


Liturgy, Theology, Good Friday, Universal prayer, Second Vatican Council

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Cited by

Makowski, D. (2024). Lex orandi – lex credendi in the Roman Liturgy: Using the Example of the 1965 Renewal of the Good Friday Universal Prayer. Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 44(1), 59–74. https://doi.org/10.25167/sth.5411


Dawid Makowski 

student of theology at the Catholic Academy in Warsaw – Collegium Bobolanum.



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