Ars celebrandi liturgii w nauczaniu Benedykta XVI / Josepha Ratzingera
Ars celebrandi of the Liturgy in the teaching of Benedict XVI / Joseph Ratzinger
Dariusz Kwiatkowski
Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w PoznaniuAbstract
The article shows the teaching of Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI regarding an important part of the liturgical life, which is ars celebrandi (the art of celebration). His teaching, referring to the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council, bases on the so called “continuity of tradition”. This allows the liturgical celebration to be seen through the context of history and, most importantly, theology. Studied, chosen documents show, that for Benedict XVI ars celebrandi is a theological category and not just a way of celebrating the liturgy. To be able to speak of ars celebrandi liturgii, one must notice the connection of liturgical norms, expressed in three elements: the standard character of the episcopal liturgy, the beauty and simplicity of the liturgical signs, and the art, which serves the right experience of the Eucharist. Keeping in mind the dynamics of the liturgical celebrations, a particular spot in said arts is preserved for music and singing. The teaching of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and the Pope Benedict XVI is consistent, showing the liturgy as a cosmic reality. This authentic dialogue will only be effective if a person discovers in liturgy the presence of God and will be able to respond to it. Properly understood ars celebrandi, both that of the liturgy’s servants (bishops, presbyters, deacons), as well as the whole liturgical assembly, leads towards a true Communion with God, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The article uses the method liturgical-contextual method.
Ars celebrandi, liturgia, Eucharystia, biskup, znak, symbol, sztuka, muzyka, śpiew.References
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